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⭐ About us


🥞 Love for Pancakes

Once upon a time, there was a boy who loved pancakes very much. He loved them so much that he would eat them after kindergarten, before school, after school, and even at night when he woke up.

The elders often said that he would get tired of pancakes, but he only increased that love. 💝

As he grew up, he got acquainted with the tasty and colorful world of pancakes, with various cultures, and tried many delicious varieties.

However, every time this boy ate pancakes, he thought that they were not prepared with love and care. The dough didn't match the filling, and it lacked harmony.

As the years went by, the boy grew up and met his second true love, his wife. She made pancakes for him just the way he liked them and imagined them every time he ordered them somewhere. 💝



🥞 How It All Started?


After many years of enjoying pancakes, this small family decided to start their own business. They came up with the idea of ​​sharing their love for pancakes with others and opening a pancake restaurant where guests could enjoy the sweet flavors from many countries. 💡


So, in 2021, they opened Kinder's Cake, a restaurant that offers over 400 types of pancakes from seven countries. A wide range of savory, sweet, American, Asian, Thai, Japanese, Chinese, and European pancakes. And every pancake is accompanied by three golden rules to make it top-notch: 1. Quality dough; 2. Delicious and quality filling; 3. Great decoration. ✅


Kinder's Cake aims to show everyone how diverse and colorful the world of pancakes is. To become a favorite place for family gatherings, children's smiles, and beautiful moments of friendship with tasty and top-quality treats. 💯

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